Friday, December 11, 2009

One last bit on the Weslh Triads

Hey guys,

I wanted to give you one last taste of the Welsh Triads, also known as the Triads of the Island of Brittan, that I mentioned in my presentation on Tristan. They are very interesting to look at and I thought it would be nice to end on an old Arthur note.

Just to refresh your memory, these are tales that originate in texts that date in the 13th century, but are thought to be older than the 9th century. Arthur was at times described as very courageous and great, and others he was treacherous. Here, from very early, we see the dual depictions of Arthur. They Triads were written in threes and were written of figures that were important to the island of Brittan.

If you want to learn more, there is a very interesting book called, "A history of Wales from the earliest times to the Edwardian conquest" by Sir John Edward Lloyd. Definitely check it out!

Here is one of my favorite Arthur references from the Black Book (probably dates to 11th or 12th century):
I have been where Llachau was slain,
the son of Arthur, awful in songs,
when ravens croaked over blood.


  1. "awful in songs" -- I like that. :)

  2. Hahaha, I know. I liked "when ravens croaked over blood." I'm morbid.
