Monday, November 30, 2009


Jessie just brought this to my attention: Darkon. Apparently, this group of Washington/Baltimore area knights meets every other Sunday to do battle. Let me know if anyone's interested.

Turns out that a Darkon documentary exists and can be found for free on Hulu. I haven't watched it, but I have watched the trailer. Though I didn't notice any mention of Arthur, the trailer does talk about border disputes and the need to protect imagined national boundaries. Plus, they wear chain mail!


  1. LET'S DO IT!!! hahahahaha could you imagine?

  2. I third it, and have to say after reading all these Arthurian books, it's kind of cute to see these guys with cushioned shields and wearing bright blue ogging suits under their armor... They must definitely get rid of all their stress. :)

  3. Uh, actually, I've already watched them on several occasions. I was telling you guys about these chaps early in the semester.

    I have some friends who live in the Peach Tree Apartments out on Lee Highway. The knights roll in on Sundays around noon to fight it out in a park next to the Peach Tree. We often make lunch and watch them.

    (May as well tie this into our discussions in class.) Among the knights that gather to fight the most aggressive, best dressed, convincing knights are (sorry Natalia, but you made an assumption, and you know what happens when you assume...) two women. That's right, ladies, it's not entirely a guys' day out as you may have thought, but the show focuses around two girls--sisters, by the look of them, but I could be mistaken on that score--who come with real metal helmets, boots, tights, shields and wooden swords. (Natalia, I wonder what the author you presented last week would have to say about this?)

    So ladies, by all means, go and see, but you may be surprised by what you find.

  4. I wonder if those sister knights are named Belinda and Balinda? (rimshot)

    I remember Aaron's mention of these folks, though the URL link certainly helps. I clicked on "Nurgle," thinking they had to be a deliberately silly bunch with a name like that, only to see that they look rather fearsome indeed. I'll be cowering behind a tree if ever I come upon their haunts.
