Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wolfram deviates from Chretien’s Grail story concerning what the grail really is and provides a detailed tale concerning Gawain and his disdainful duchess. His version of the Fisher King does not retain the mystic allure of Chretien’s tale. Wolfram’s version is a combination of humor and human frailty. I prefer Chretien’s version even though Wolfram “fills in the gaps” and the reader no longer needs to ask why. From Wolfram we learn that the duchess is guilty for what happened to the Fisher King. We also learn that she has never ceased to lament her dead lover even though she is Gawain’s wife.
It appears in the case of Gahmuret and later in the case of his piebald son that rich ladies had to fit out their knights and the knights would fight to bring honor and glory to the lady. It also appears that the knight could ask his lady into his bed once he had fulfilled his jousting requirements and brought fame and honor. They did not have to wait for the priest. In fact, the ladies have a strong role in the Wolfram story just as they have had in all the other tales.
Also I am not clear about Clinschor’s role other than locking up the ladies from Arthur’s family. His soldiers are present at the field when all their grandeur is being displayed. There is no great family reunion scene in this version.
Furthermore, it is interesting how Wolfram details clothes, gems, tents and their interiors. Is this a good way for us to understand medieval chivalric life? We learn that they eat at table when in the field under their tents, but they sit on quilts spread over mattresses which are placed on carpets. I was wondering what they sat on to eat; stools or benches? Another interesting touch that he adds is the sharing of platters between two people. Seems to suggest being of the inner fold if invited to share. The description of the mattresses gives a very oriental, sumptuous description. His use of color is great but I had to skip the three paragraphs at the end which had a list of names and gems.
Was the Infidel king North African or Indian? I was under the impression that his mother was a queen from around the Mediterranean; however, at the end he says they went to India and spread Christianity and all the kings were named John thus claiming that he is Prestor John. So both Parzival and his brother are invited to be part of the Round Table but both leave after accepting. In this version we are not told that Arthur’s Round Table will fall apart and there is no Galahad or Lancelot. Are Lancelot and Galahad part of the French canon? Also there are no giants or dwarfs. The “Other” here is the two hedgehog looking creatures who are important messengers. I am not too sure of the role of the Templers. Are they to protect the Gral? Then why do they also sortie out to fight. Why should Gawain be treated so shabbily by them?
Of course the best part was the news of Secundille’s death!

1 comment:

  1. A quick comment about Nasreen's third paragraph.

    Clinschor interested me although he did lurk in the shadows of the text. It seemed like other characters talked about him, but he never made an appearance (maybe I missed something). Clinschor's castration operates as a means of further mirroring Parzival's story with Gawan's. Dr. Wenthe has mentioned that sometimes there's a map of the fantastic superimposing the map of the world as we know it. In this case, two fantastic kingdoms --Schastel marvielle with Munsalvaesche -- seem to overlay each other. Within these kingdoms, Clinschor and Anfortas work as foils in many ways. Both are wounded and made infertile due to their involvement in impure love affairs; as a result of their impurities/infertility all dwellers in their kingdoms suffer until either Gawan or Parzival ask the anticipated Questions. The knights inherit the thrones of these unmapped lands after becoming (re)united with their families.

    There are a few major differences between these parallel stories. As one example, the difference between Clinschor and Anfortas is the way they react to their situations. Clinschor acts out and punishes others while Anfortas feels legitimately guilty.
